MemecoinIndex6900 is a benchmark stock index that has around the 20 Largest projects in the entire SOLANA ecosystem. It aims to be key to strengthening the market. Created to be able to give value to the solana market and be its reference.
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The largest components of this index are made up of the solar giants, such as SPX6900, MINI, SELFIE, BRAINLET, RETARDIO, LOCKIN as well as others that will be chosen by our “holders”. The requirements for this platform range from volume, age, community, market capitalization, veracity and proposal.
Frequently Asked Questions
How often do projects within MemecoinIndex6900 change?
Our DAO and our internal committee periodically review the eligibility of the projects that conform our MemecoinIndex6900 and updates are made when its necessary, usually with a few days notice. As you can naturally expect the weighting percentage to change for all companies.
What affects the price of the MemecoinIndex6900?
The price of the MemecoinIndex6900 is affected by a variety of fundamental and technical factors linked to the performance of Solana economy, as well as some important factors. Posts or comments on social networks have a lot of impact on the price of MemecoinIndex6900, the publication of economic data and even memes.